fredag 20 april 2018

VIDEO: Den 11-årige Duma-pojken avväpnar Bomb-trions förevändning för att bomba Syrien

HASSAN DIAB, 11, samtalar med RT:s reporter på plats i sjukhuset i Duma där han upplevde ögonblick av panik, men inte av en påstådd kemisk attack utan för det kaos som uppstod när de Vita Hjälmarnas utsända provocerade fram en video som blev förevändningen för att avlossa 103 kryssningsrobotar mot detta land och folk som har utsatts för ett av historiens mest brutala krig. Men den internationella opinionen sväljer inte längre argumenten från de olika militära och politiska underrättelsetjänsterna utan ifrågasätter allt mer "Krigets Manual" som propageras från Natoländerna och deras medlöpare utanför krigsalliansen. FOTO: RT.

VIDEO: Den 11-årige Duma-pojken avväpnar Bomb-trions förevändning för att bomba Syrien

I nedanstående länk från nyhetsbyrån RT intervjuas ett av de barn som förekom i de Vita Hjälmarnas video som Pink Floydgrundaren Roger Waters karaktäriserade som ”Fake”.

RT besöker sjukhuset i Duma dit offren för den påstådda ”kemiska attacken” fördes, enligt Hjälmarna och pratar med Hassan Diab, 11, pojken som figurerar i videon.

Han beskriver hur han spolades med vatten i ansiktet och hur han fördes upp till andra våningen där filmandet fortsätter. Även hans far uttalar sig i reportaget.

Vad blir Trumps, Mays, Macrons och tidningen Flammans reaktion? Vi väntar med spänning.

Dick Emanuelsson

Videon med Hassan Diab, 11:

RT visits hospital seen in Douma ‘chemical attack’ video, talks to boy from footage (VIDEO)
Published time: 20 Apr, 2018 13:46Edited time: 20 Apr, 2018 13:51

RT Arabic has traveled to the Douma hospital shown in footage of the aftermath of the alleged chemical weapons attack. The crew talked to a boy featured in the video, who recounted the events.
Hassan Diab, 11, appears to be the trembling boy seen in the video of the aftermath of the alleged chemical attack in the Eastern Ghouta city. The footage was circulated by mainstream media after being posted by the so-called Douma Revolution group on Facebook. 
The organization was one of those, along with the controversial White Helmets, which claimed that the Syrian government was behind the alleged chemical attack in the city on April 7. An RT Arabic crew visited the hospital seen in the alleged chemical attack video. In a bid to shed light on the story, the crew also caught up with the youngster, who was portrayed as a ‘victim’ in the footage.

He says he was with his mother when they were urged to rush to the hospital. “We were outside, and they told all of us to go into the hospital. I was immediately taken upstairs, and they started pouring water on me,” the boy recalled.

“The doctors started filming us here [in the hospital], they were pouring water and taking videos,” he added. Hassan’s father later hurried to the hospital. “I was very surprised, and asked what had happened, why my son's eyes were red. I found out that it was water, but it was cold, he could have got sick, he was undressed,” the man recalled.

Russian broadcaster VGTRK was the first to find the boy and his father and break the story. Now, Moscow is planning to show the video about Hassan at the next meeting of the UN Security Council, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia said on Thursday.

Despite the doubts, unconfirmed social media posts and claims by the White Helmets were enough for the American-British-French coalition to strike Syria on April 14 over the alleged attack. The US-led force was so sure of its ‘sources’ that it went on with the strikes even though the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had not even started working on the ground to establish the truth.

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